Board Diversity Initiative


Boardroom diversity continues to lag significantly behind the wealth of diverse candidates ready and willing to take a seat at the leadership table. Toigo’s All A Board initiative is directed at addressing this critical leadership gap.

We started by building a network of qualified diverse candidates with deep finance expertise ready and interested to serve on public and private company, non-profit and foundation boards. Our All A Board community is currently 850 strong–and growing daily. Toigo is available to assist organizations in identifying a slate of diverse candidates that match the experience and qualifications you’re seeking. A more diverse “supply” to fill a growing demand for diverse leaders. That’s what Toigo delivers.

Our next step is expanding All A Board into the area of board readiness training. Knowledge of the basics of board structure, governance and other operational aspects of directorship are key to success. We’re currently gathering input on key topics of interest.

Are You Ready To Be A Director?

All A Board is Toigo’s initiative to assist diverse individuals who are board ready or interested in becoming more aware of those skills and nuances that make for successful directors. We also maintain information our associates who would like to be kept informed when we become aware of potential board level opportunities that align with the skills and attributes of our Toigo community.

If you’d like to become a part of All A Board, please contact us. Toigo will include you on future communications about the program and its refreshed offerings later this year.